Tuesday, 11 October 2016



   Ever wonder why some people are so successful in life while others struggle so much with hardly nothing to show for their efforts? Well, I also used to wonder until I discovered this amazing answer which I've chosen to share with you today. I have to warn you, this might sound strikingly odd and complicated to some of you while it might just sound so simple and insignificant to others but this simple reason is what causes a great deal of difference between the successful and unsuccessful people. In other words, this is the difference that makes all the difference. This simple reason is-  'Successful people think differently than unsuccessful people.'

   Think? Yes Think. This is something you must have heard of at one time or the other in your life. And either consciously or unconsciously, thinking is an activity we all engage in everyday of our lives be it morning, noon or night, whether we be black or white, old or young and irrespective of our shapes and sizes. And the good thing about this is that you don't have to be a genius in order to think. Speaking of which, you have approximately 70,000 thoughts per day, although most are similar thoughts revolving around in the cranial highway. Which is why you have to consciously make sure that you don't spend the larger part of that number (i.e 40,000 - 50,000) nurturing negative thoughts.

To accomplish great things,
we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe.  ~Anatole France

Perhaps, you might be wondering how the way you think affects your level of success in life.
The fact remains that your beliefs have the power to unlock your inner genius or keep you from fully achieving your greatest potential. Hence, the nature of the larger percentage of thoughts you spend your day dwelling on (including the unconscious ones) is what makes up your life and determines who you are. This makes believing in negative thoughts the single greatest obstruction to success. And the common thing about all successful people is that they know this fact which is why they consciously think positively, they think success, they think possibilities (i.e they spend the larger part of their day nurturing positive thoughts).
   Coupled with that, Successful people mostly know what they want in life and they are able to channel not only their thoughts but also their actions towards the accomplishment of that goal.

You have to think positively if you want to go to the top. Mainly because:

1- "Life consists of what a man is thinking about all day." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
The interesting thing about this world is that it's not fixed, it turns out for you the way you see it and the successful people know this. The truth is that you are literally what you think about. I.e, the quality of your life can't be better than the quality of your thoughts.
Uniquely, this was emphasized to us in the book of Romans 12:2 which says that -   Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, 'but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.' Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. (NLT VERSION) It is seen here that the way to changing a man is by changing his thoughts first.

The moment you begin to consciously think success, you position your subconscious mind to do likewise and that will in turn make you see the world as a place where success is achievable, and this will programme you by default to take positive actions to achieve that. It is important to know that Life is simple, and the way you see it is the way it turns out for you. In other words, how you choose to see your circumstances has a powerful influence on what your circumstances will be. Equally important is the fact that it is impossible to reach success with a scheme of failure thoughts in your mind.
Our mind is the most valuable possession that we have.
The quality of our lives is, and will be, a reflection of how well we develop, train, and utilize this precious gift. - Brian Tracy

2- "You are today where your thoughts have brought you. You will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you." ~ James Allen
You have to think success to achieve success. Think prosperity to achieve prosperity. Most importantly, if you don't like the way your life is right now, you don't just have to desire a change; you have to consciously take steps to achieve that change starting with the conscious renewal of your thoughts.

"In order to create a better tomorrow than today, you must first create better thoughts today than you did yesterday."    ~ Celeb

When you consciously think positively, you develop an optimistic mindset and that increases your chances of seeing life opportunities that can propel you up for success. Comparatively, the major difference between a poor man and a rich man is the way they think. Rich people thinks abundance while poor people think scarcity. The unsuccessful man thinks 'If I can' while the successful man believes 'I can'. The unsuccessful man thinks and wait for opportunities to make impact while the successful man thinks and creates opportunities to do that.

   In order to become successful in whatever you do or aspire to do, you need to develop a success mentality. Determine to consciously think success always and these right thoughts will create the right attitude that creates the right actions which gives the right result.

On a final note,
"The kind of thoughts you mostly nurture is a great determinant of the kinds of words you speak, which in turn affects your attitude and actions and eventually, the kind of person you become." Change your thoughts, and you'll see your life change."   ~ Celeb

By: Olaniran Olalekan (Celeb)

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